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Producing Packaging with the Power to Win

In a country known for its beautiful coastlines stretching more than 20,000 miles, you might not think that water would be hard to come by in Australia. But for almost five years, severe drought conditions have plagued the country.  To conserve and collect household water, most states in Australia have implemented policies requiring new homes to install a water tank.  Fortunately for Chevron Phillips Chemical, many of these water tanks are rotomolded with polyethylene.

The water tanks are used to collect two types of water - rainwater and grey water.  Rainwater collected in the tanks is a viable drinking source for families, while grey water, or water collected from showers, clothes washing, and dishwashing, may be recycled within the home and garden.  

"Polyethylene is an excellent material for water tanks," said Joe Howlett, product manager for polyethylene.  "It is inert, so the tank is unaffected by the water and the water is unaffected by the tank."

In contrast to steel tanks, polyethylene tanks are not susceptible to corrosion, do not require painting (the colors can be molded into the tanks), and can be fabricated in a matter of minutes. Additionally, polyethylene water tanks are UV-stabilized and have an expected lifespan of ten years.

While water tanks are not a new application in the world, the volume of tanks being produced remains at record rates.

"Unlike in previous years when the rural market was active, the urban market is currently driving demand," said Peter Jago, national sales manager for polyethylene in Australia.  "The tank producers simply cannot keep up with the rising demand!"